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Pull of geometry and object representations

By default, Revit elements are pulled and converted to the BHoM objects as explained in Revit BHoM conversion. However, on top of that, it is possible to extract additional information about the actual geometry of an element in Revit, as well as its representation including colours. Instruction about that extra information to pull is passed to the adapter via GeometryConfig and RepresentationConfig properties of RevitPullConfig.

PullGeometryConfig object allows to set following geometry-related instructions:

  • PullEdges - if true, edges of elements will be pulled and stored in RevitRepresentation fragment, queryable using RevitEdges method
  • PullSurfaces - if true, surfaces of elements will be pulled and stored in RevitRepresentation fragment, queryable using RevitSurfaces method
  • PullMeshes - if true, meshed surfaces of elements will be pulled and stored in RevitRepresentation fragment, queryable using RevitMeshes method
  • MeshDetailLevel - detail level of mesh to be pulled, correspondent to level of detail in Revit
  • IncludeNonVisible - invisible element parts will be pulled and passed to RevitRepresentation fragment if true

PullRepresentationConfig specifies render mesh settings:

  • PullRenderMesh - if true, mesh representation of elements will be pulled and stored in RevitRepresentation fragment, queryable using RenderMeshes method
  • DetailLevel - detail level of representation, correspondent to level of detail in Revit
  • IncludeNonVisible - invisible element parts will be pulled and passed to RevitRepresentation fragment if true