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Introduction to our Operating Procedures

The section outlines the operating procedures under which the DevOps Team work. It oulines our playbooks, our procedures, our prototcols, and other aspects of DevOps decision making.

This content is made available so that our way of working is transparent and everyone can work together to achieve our common goals within the BHoM Community. Is is part of the BHoM DevOps strategy that

The purpose of DevOps is to support, not hinder

And this is achieved best when everyone can understand the tasks being undertaken.

Changes to our procedures

Our operating procedures are reviewed periodically by the DevOps Team who will make changes as appropriate as our development objectives and outcomes change. Typically, unless there is a drastic emergency requirement to update our operating procedures instantly, any changes made to our operating procedures are done to come into effect from the start of the next development milestone. That is, if an operating procedure changes during sprint 2 of a milestone, the changes made will not come into effect until the planning sprint of the following milestone (10 weeks later) unless there is an urgent reason to implement them sooner. As such, you may find some operating procedures have a section saying

With effect from Milestone x.y

And a section which might make changes to the original text in the procedure document. Where such areas exist, they will take precedence over existing documents until the documentation is amended to incorporate the changes properly once in effect.

## Discussing changes

Some changes will be put up for discussion while others may just be changed on the procedure document. It is down to the DevOps team to decide what is most appropriate, however, they should err on the side of public discourse being the preferred option.

Anyone is free to raise discussions about changes if the DevOps team does not do so themselves.

Discussing procedures

Discussions about the procedures as a whole is also welcomed, including questions, queries, and suggestions - please feel free to jump over to the discussions page and get involved!