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Remove from Revit Details

This chapter explains in detail the Remove action - it is recommended to read Revit Adapter details section first for the information about mechanics of the adapter itself.

As explained in Remove from Revit basics, there are two action-specific inputs that drive Remove: - Request of type deriving from IRequest explained in more detail in a dedicated section - Action config of type RevitRemoveConfig

They are specified as arguments of the Revit method of RevitAdapter. Depending on the thread on which the Remove method is executed, they will be either sent via Sockets as a data package (if Remove is executed outside of Revit thread) or passed directly to RevitUIAdapter (if everything is run on a single Revit thread).

Next, RevitUIAdapter triggers Remove action, which points directly to Delete CRUD method. Delete executes following tasks: 1. Collects ElementIds of Revit elements that meet requirements set by the Request (done in BH.Revit.Engine.Core.Query.ElementIds). 2. Deletes the Revit elements under ElementIds from point 1.

Finally, the number of deleted elements is returned to RevitAdapter (using a Sockets bypass if RevitAdapter and RevitUIAdapter do not run on the same thread).

The diagram below maps out the above workflow - it should be read as an action-specific variation of the Adapter action stage of the general Adapter flowchart.

Remove action flowchart