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Push to Revit Details

This chapter explains in detail the Push action.


It's recommended to read Revit Adapter details section first for the information about mechanics of the adapter itself.

Main inputs to the Push action

As explained in Push to Revit basics, there are three action-specific inputs that drive Push:

  • Objects, an IEnumerable<IBHoMObject> to be pushed to Revit
  • Push type of type BH.oM.Adapter.PushType explained in more detail below.
  • Action config of type RevitPushConfig

They are specified as arguments of the Push method of RevitAdapter. Depending on the thread on which the Push method is executed, they will be either sent via Sockets as a data package (if Push is executed outside of Revit thread) or passed directly to RevitUIAdapter (if everything is run on a single Revit thread).


Push type specifies the way in which Revit elements should be created and updated. The RevitUIAdapter triggers the Push action, which, depending on PushType, executes to a combination of Delete, Create and Update CRUD methods, as explained below.

  • If PushType includes deleting Revit elements, Push method collects ElementIds of Revit elements that are linked to relevant BHoM objects and deletes them by calling Delete CRUD method.
  • If PushType includes creating Revit elements, Push method creates new Revit elements based on BHoM objects by calling Create CRUD method. Conversion is driven by BH.Revit.Engine.Core.Convert.IToRevit dispatcher method. To avoid converting any of the objects more than once, identifier of each object that has been converted in a given adapter action is being stored in refObjects dictionary together with the output of the convert.
  • If PushType includes updating Revit elements, Push method collects ElementIds of Revit elements that are linked to relevant BHoM objects and updates them by calling Update CRUD method. Two methods are required to explicitly update a Revit element of given type:

    • type-specific BH.Revit.Engine.Core.Modify.Update that handles properties and parameters
    • type-specific BH.Revit.Engine.Core.Modify.SetLocation that handles geometry of the element

    The above are being dispatched by BH.Revit.Engine.Core.Modify.IUpdate and BH.Revit.Engine.Core.Modify.ISetLocation respectively. If type-specific Update method does not exist, only the parameter values will be copied over to the Revit element, as explained here.

Finally, the successfully pushed BHoM objects are returned to RevitAdapter (using a Sockets bypass if RevitAdapter and RevitUIAdapter do not run on the same thread).

Flow-chart explanation (for coders)

The diagram below maps out the above workflow - it should be read as an action-specific variation of the Adapter action stage of the general Adapter flowchart.

Push action flowchart